IEEE Fellow; IAPR Fellow; ACM Distinguished Scientist; Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Fritz Duda Family Professor of Engineering at the University of Notre Dame
IEEE Fellow; Professor with the Polytech Nantes, Professor with the Electrical Engineering and the Computer Science Departments, University of Nantes, France; Senior member of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF), France; Member of the Board of Governor of LS2N lab, France; Recipient of the Emmy Award in 2020 for his work on development of Perceptual metrics for video encoding optimization.
IAPR Fellow; ISIBM Fellow; WASE Fellow; IETI Distinguished Fellow; Professor of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University, USA
ACM Fellow; Director of Research Emeritus at Inria, France; Scientific Director of the Inria-Brasil international lab; Chief Scientific Officer at LeanXcale; Member of Zenith, a joint team between Inria, CNRS and University of Montpellier at LIRMM pursuing research in Data Science; Scientific Advisor for the International Relationships department at Inria; Collaborator at LNCC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Recipient of the 1993 IBM Scientific Prize in Computer Science in France, the 2014 Innovation Award from Inria–French Academy of Science, and the Best Paper Award at VLDB 2000; Trustee Emeritus of the VLDB Endowment.
IEEE Fellow; IFAC Fellow; Professor of automatic control and former head of the PhD school in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Recipient of the Certificate of Outstanding Service of IFAC, and Outstanding service in the IFAC journal AUTOMATICA.
IEEE Fellow; Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, Dean of College of Electrical Engineering, Dean of Miin Wu School of Computing at National Cheng Kung University
Member of the French Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the IMS; Emeritus Professor at Sorbonne University, France
Fellow of the International Society of Computational Biology; Member of the European Molecular Biology Organisation; Inaugural Chief Data Science Officer (CDSO) at The Jackson Laboratory; Former Associate Director for EMBL-EBI (the European Molecular Biology Laboratory’s European Bioinformatics Institute); Honorary Professor of Genomics and Computational Biology at the University of Cambridge.
IEEE Fellow; Former President and Fellow of the International Neural Network Society; Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis
IEEE Fellow; Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Director of the Electronics Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens, Greece; Former Professor of ECE, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Member of the Governing Board of the National (Hellenic) Space Center of Greece; Chair of the IEEE Circuits and Systems & Solid-State Circuits Joint Chapter, Greece
Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society; Guggenheim Fellow; Partner Researcher in the Deep Learning Group at Microsoft Research and part-year Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University, USA; Recipient of the 2005 David E. Rumelhart Prize for Outstanding Contributions to the Formal Analysis of Human Cognition.
Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Brazil; Member of the Brazilian Academy of Science; IEEE Life Fellow; EURASIP Fellow; Professor with the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Former Chairman of the graduate department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE); NVIDIA CUDA Fellow; Recipient of ACM Presidential Award; Professor and Director of International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India.
Member of the Academia Europaea; IEEE Fellow; EurAI Fellow; ELLIS Fellow; Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain; Recipient of the 2018 Prize of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, and the 2013 Spanish National Prize in Computer Science.
IEEE Fellow; Former Professor and Vice Dean with the Hanergy School of Renewable Energy, Beijing Jiaotong University; Talented professor at Tianjin University.
IEEE Fellow; Principal Research Staff Member at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, where he manages the Circuit Diagnostics and Testing Technology department; Chair of IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Community (TTTC), 2022-2025; General Co-Chair of 2022 & 2023 and Program Co-Chair of 2019 & 2020 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS); Recipient of the IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) Paul Rappaport Award in 2004, and the IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Contribution Award in 2006.
IEEE Fellow; Principal Engineer, Amazon; APSIPA Industrial Distinguished Leader Award 2021.
ACM Fellow; IEEE Fellow; Member of Academia Europaea; Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences; Member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering Science; Professor of computer engineering at Chalmers University of Technology